Pisa-Freiburg school in Applied Analysis
9th-13th September 2024
The Pisa-Freiburg Summer School in Applied Analysis brings together expertise from the field of the calculus of variations. In particular, we will consider optimization problems for elliptic PDE, including optimal right hand sides for given objective functions or shape optimization problems. Related to this we will discuss geometric gradient flows as well as the emergence of microstructure in multi-phase materials. Many of these problems require the study of nondifferentiable functionals, whose numerical treatment by nonconforming discontinuous finite element methods forms the fourth main topic of the school. Overall, the summer school will give young researchers a comprehensive understanding of these current developments in the calculus of variations, which have broad applicability ranging from, e.g., the study of complex materials to geometric analysis.
This school is co-organized with the SPP 2256 and offers a unique opportunity for establishing exchange, networks, and cooperation with the next generation of Italian mathematicians working in the calculus of variations and related areas
- Sören Bartels (Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg)
- Giuseppe Buttazzo (University of Pisa)
- Cyrill Muratov (University of Pisa)
- Alessandra Pluda (University of Pisa)
- Patrick Dondl (Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg)
- Matteo Novaga (University of Pisa)
For more Information, see here.